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They ask governors for prudence with ‘corcholatas’

Antonio Baranda and Guadalupe Irízar
Reform Agency

Monday, February 13, 2023 | 13:11

Mexico City.- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador asked the governors of the Fourth Transformation to be prudent in their support for the presidential hopefuls of Morena by 2024.

In a conference, the Tabasco asked the state leaders to have confidence in the people.

“I think that they should handle themselves prudently and have confidence in the people because it will be the people that will decide, in the case of the candidates that emerge from our movement, it has already been defined, I cannot speak about this, but they are the statutes,” he said.

The Chief Executive recalled that Morena will define his candidate by survey.

“It is approved, let’s not talk about scientifically, technically, a good survey is a reflection, it is a sample of what people, citizens, are thinking.”

He also asked applicants not to be carried away by the advice of publicists.

“I would advise the candidates not to pay attention to the publicists, they do not help them, it is because the publicists do not stop belonging to an elite, they have no knowledge of how the people think, and generally less pressure on the people.”

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