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They ask to form a commission to discuss the renegotiation of Annex C

They ask to form a commission to discuss the renegotiation of Annex C

The opposition will ask President Santiago Peña to form a plural commission in which all political sectors with parliamentary representation are integrated to discuss the Itaipu Treaty.

August 13 marked the 50th anniversary of the validity of the Itaipu Treaty. As of the date, the space was opened for the revision of Annex Ctask conferred to the High Contracting Parties.

In this regard, the legislator Kattya Gonzalez He said that the opposition senators are going to ask the president Santiago Peña to form a plural Commission where all the political sectors with parliamentary representation are made up to discuss the Itaipu Treaty because it is a matter of State and of general interest.

“This It is not a matter of State, it is not a matter of government. For this reason, precisely in view of the vacuum left by the government of Mario Abdo Benítez and not knowing what the strategies were being worked on, we are going to request the formation of a negotiating committee that is plural, where all the political forces are represented. with parliamentary representation, in addition to the technicians”, he said.

“There are political issues here and an important window opens for the administration of our energy sovereignty, our economic, political, social, and environmental sovereignty, which we understand should be part of the renegotiation. On the contrary, Brazil is going to pass us by”, he further stated.

The opposition congresswoman stated that in her opinion the Government must prioritize the fair price of energy, since Paraguay still lacks the structure to use 100 percent of its energy. “Today the infrastructure does not exist to attract all the 50% of the surplus that we have as, let’s say, condominium partners in equal parts. By not having the infrastructure, in the first stage what has to be fought is the fair market price, so that Paraguay can, if necessary, sell to the Brazilian market, but on more equitable terms”, he remarked.

It is news today: Marco Alcaraz to Intelligence and Jalil Rachid to SENAD, those chosen by Peña

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