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They ask to support the proposal against expansion of Delgado

Érika Hernández / Reform Agency

Saturday, April 08, 2023 | 17:48

Mexico City.- The Morenista National Convention asked the magistrates of the Electoral Tribunal not to be pressured and to support the proposal to revoke the extension of the mandate of the party’s national leadership.

For John Ackerman, who is part of the dissident group, the ambition and illegality of the national leader, Mario Delgado, and the general secretary, Citlalli Hernández, who originally concluded their post on August 31, but managed to get the National Congress to of the party will extend his term until 2024.

In an interview, the UNAM academic assured that in different sentences, on other conflicts of Morena, the Court has made it clear that the leadership’s mandate ends on that date, for which reason he demanded to respect his own determinations.

“The third transitory article that extends the position of the holders of the presidency and general secretary of the National Executive Committee is unconstitutional and its invalidity is proposed because: this issue was not included in the call.

“The reform proposal was introduced one day before the National Congress was to be held, so it was not guaranteed that militants and congressmen would be aware that the intention was to extend those positions,” says the project, which will be voted on next week.

Ackerman asked the members of the Convention to go to the Court facilities next Wednesday to listen, peacefully, to the decision of the magistrates.

He even called to bring the evidence and testimonies of the alleged fraud of the internal election of July 2022, when congressmen were elected.

“The Court has pointed out time and time again that the mandate ends in August 2023. This transitory, cast at the last minute, is an abuse.

“Although there is self-regulation of the parties, the constitutional and legal order cannot be broken either. There is talk of free and fair elections, but also periodic ones, and they forget that. In Morena, an exceptional situation is being requested permanently and That generates a constitutional break,” he said.

Ackerman, who was one of the 17 morenistas who challenged the extension of the mandate, assured that they do not see a political intention in publishing the project in the midst of the discussion on a reform in the Chamber of Deputies that limits the powers of the Court.

“I hope there are no external pressures that can rule out this project, but I trust a basic respect for their own resolutions and that they have legal solidity,” he added.

He recalled that they must also comply with the order that members of the leadership not have double positions, as is the case with Andrea Chávez and Citlalli Hernández, who in addition to being a deputy and senator, respectively, are members of the national leadership.

The National Honesty and Justice Commission itself ordered both morenistas to choose between one position and another, but with the argument “that they are indispensable” in Congress, Delgado assured that he had reached an agreement with the party justice body.

“The resolution establishes that in a ‘short term’ they must resign (one of the two positions) but they are playing with that term, but six months have passed since that order and they have not complied with it,” he added.

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