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They assure that the increase in Metered Parking exceeded inflation and ask for reports

The increase in the Metered Parking in La Plata generated a request for reports from the opposition to the mayor Julio Garro considering that it is “well above” the salary and inflationary guideline set forth in the 2023 tax ordinance, which is of the order of 60%. The project was presented by the councilor of the Frente de Todos, Paula Lambertiniwho assured that after the last increase in Parking – which led to 100 pesos per peak hour and 80 pesos per non-peak hour – the service has already accumulated “a 130% increase in the last seven months.”

The councilor recalled that in July 2022, the service had already increased from 35 to 55 pesos per non-peak hour and from 45 to 70 pesos during peak hours. And now the most expensive hour has gone to 100 pesos and the cheapest to 80.

In the request to the Executive, it is requested to know What is the index based on which the increases in Metered Parking that came into effect in February were set and what is the projection of increases for the remainder of 2023. It also asks “by what criteria are the increases applied” and how many Metered Parking inspectors does the Municipality have.

“It is an excessive and excessive increase. It is widely above the salary guideline and inflation. The pocket of the people of La Plata is not thought of”pointed out the mayor who asked the Executive to re-evaluate the measure and closed: “Measured parking cannot be used as a way of collecting.”

As already reported, the maximum value to which the Municipality may raise the Metered Parking during 2023 -as authorized by the tax ordinance approved at the end of the year- it is 135 pesos.

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