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They call on UNAM not to give credit to the crime

Mayolo López and Claudia Salazar / Reform Agency

Friday, January 20, 2023 | 22:23

Mexico City.- Faced with the plagiarism of the thesis attributed to Minister Yasmín Esquivel, Senator Germán Martínez asked the UNAM to give effect to decency and not give credit to the crime.

After the message offered by the Rector Enrique Graue, with which he recognized the plagiarism, the legislator estimated that if the dispute is resolved in accordance with ethics, Esquivel would have to separate from his assignment.

“We believe that if the matter is going to be resolved according to ethics and the truth, the rule of law will win and living in a country of laws will win,” said Martínez, who filed a request for impeachment the day before. against the Minister.

“I call on the UNAM to be encouraged to take the step of honor and not give credit to the crime. I call on the UNAM to make the spirit of decency speak for my race. I am sure that intelligence will win over ignorance “That honor will win over cheating. That the spirit of José Vasconcelos will win with civic courage, over the shamelessness of Yasmín Esquivel.”

PRD supports Graue

The PRD gave a vote of confidence to the announcement by the Rector of the UNAM, Enrique Graue, that the institution will continue to analyze how to resolve and sanction the thesis plagiarism committed by the Minister of the Supreme Court, Yasmín Esquivel.

The party leader, Jesús Zambrano, said that they agreed with the Rector that plagiarizing a thesis is not a minor fact, that it is reprehensible and has called into question the ethics of those who commit it.

“Our support and trust in the research carried out by the University Ethics Committee,” he said.

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