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They call to defend the heritage of La Plata and stop the paving of the paving stones

A large group of residents of La Plata, among which are members of civil, neighborhood, environmental organizations, neighborhood clubs, fairgrounds, cultural centers, universities and militants, Plaza Rocha is summoned to protest against the removal of the paving stones and in defense of the cultural heritage of the city.

The call bears the signature of SOS Cobblestones La Plata and it is open to the entire community, in order to discuss the situation in response to the asphalting works initiated by the Municipality, which imply the removal of the historic cobblestone characteristic of the city founded by Dardo Rocha on November 19, 1882.

“The cobblestone from La Plata as an identity heritage asset is protected not only by Ordinance 9,008 but also by a precautionary measure issued on 11/29/2021 on case 27,249, today brought before the Provincial Supreme Court by different actors in defense of heritage and local identity, under the legal patronage of the Human Rights Legal Clinic (FCJS-UNLP)”they explain in the statement that circulated on social networks.

This new call is in response to the work initiated by the mayor Julio Garro, considered by this organization as “a serious violation of planning and heritage, disobeying a sharp, clear and current court order, with the criminal consequences that this entails” . In addition, they also highlight what was done with “the forest heritage on protected natural areas, the historical tiles (including those of the Memory) and the planning of the city model itself.”

The call is for 4:00 p.m. this Thursday at the entrance of the UNLP Library, in front of Plaza Rocha“to unite, stand in front of the machines and begin to discuss together the model of the city to which we see ourselves pushed violently and illegally by the municipal administration of Julio Garro”.


The city Hall reported the beginning of “a comprehensive work in the Plaza Rocha area that includes the placement of a new asphalt layer on the paving, the replacement of bus stops and the horizontal demarcation”. “The works have an estimated term of 90 days and will be carried out with the aim of improving the conditions of vehicular and pedestrian traffic,” they added.

The execution is aligned with “Mission 200”, the plan that seeks to reach 200 kilometers of asphalt in 2023, detailed from the Commune. “The work contemplates the placement of a modified asphalt folder, covering the cobblestone that persists in the area,” explained the Secretary of Public Works and Services, Luis Barbier, adding that “the works also include the intervention of the collective”.

They remarked that the work on the cobblestones is carried out taking into account the provisions of Ordinance 11,738, which states and considering that “they do not allow the correct adherence of the tires when braking, especially during rainy days.” It was also clarified that in order to preserve La Plata’s heritage, the blocks removed from the docks will be transferred for reuse, and the rest of the affected area will be worked on top of them. Likewise, the original ditch cordon and the parking area will be maintained in order not to reduce the hydraulic capacity in the area.

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