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They clarify that visits to residences in Naranjito were based on a Head Start survey

They clarify that visits to residences in Naranjito were based on a Head Start survey

The Police clarified this Thursday that the visits made to residences in Naranjito in which they asked for data on children in the area, turned out to be a survey carried out by a Head Start in the Bayamón area.

“Head Start hired a company to carry out a census that allows them to establish the number of children and their profiles and thus be able to identify and count potential participants from their centers,” the press release said.

According to the Police investigation, both the director of the Head Start program, Ivette Fuentes, and the president of the polling company, Anita Cox, confirmed that the personnel in charge of collecting the census data visited several communities in Naranjito uniformed with the Head Start emblem and carrying identifications.

These asked residents about the number of preschool-age children living under the same roof, among other data necessary for their work.

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