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They close down a club for discrimination against the LBGT community, this is what Sheinbaum said

members of the LGBT community reported abuse and discrimination by the employees of the Punto y Aparte clubbeing the mayor Sandra Cuevaswho, through the General Legal and Legal Services Directorate of Cuauhtémoc, sanctioned the company with a closure seal, this will make sheinbaum!

In The Truth News We want to tell you that most of the members of this community are victims of rejection in their family, school and work environment, so freely expressing their sexual orientation is an effort that often generates psychological problems or a delay in their personal development. and professional.

We recently told you that more than 20% of the Mexican population has been violated because of their religious preference, but now we tell you that, according to data from the National Survey on Discrimination, 22 percent of women and 25 percent as a man they would not rent a room to a person with a different religion than their own.

Mayor closes a nightclub for acts of discrimination in Cuauhtémoc

After an investigation by the General Directorate of Government, it was confirmed that practices against members of the lesbian-gay community were being carried out on the premises, for which an investigation folder was opened and closed, in addition Cuevas was very clear when making this statement to the media:

“The message for businessmen is that it is a punishment; because they do not understand that the obligation is to take care of the diners, the people who visit these spaces.”

For her part, the head of government announced that, in order to prevent all kinds of attacks on the community, a series of operations and campaigns will be launched, so that the model of “stop the violence”, which is active in Baja California Sur, where it seems to be paying off.

It may interest you: CDMX: Young man denounces discrimination in the Porrúa cafeteria in Bosque de Chapultepec.

What is discrimination?

Unequal treatment for different preferences is a type of discrimination. Photo:

It is a social behavior in which an individual or a group receives different or unequal treatment due to their physical or mental condition, age, sexual, political or religious orientation, in such a way that they are denied opportunities or rights, causing exclusion of the environment in which they live, where they are a minority.

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