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They collided with an entire family that was traveling on a motorcycle on 122 avenue

A violent accident occurred more than ten days ago on the border between La Plata and Ensenada, but the video images captured by a security camera only became known now, when the family that suffered serious injuries during the episode disseminated them with the aim of get witnesses to help her act in court.

The event occurred on March 14 at around 9:30 in the morning, when a man, along with his wife and their 5-year-old son were traveling on a motorcycle along 122 avenue and upon reaching the intersection with 41 street they were hit by a white van trying to cross that busy artery. The image record is shocking and shows the exact moment of the collision, in which the three members of the family fell violently against the asphalt.

Was Carlos Cardozothe driver of the motorcycle, who communicated with to request the dissemination of the images in order to obtain witnesses. He got them from a logging company that works in that area since he could not obtain them from the municipal monitoring systems.

His partner was traveling with him. Natalia Centurion and between them their son Simón, just 5 years old. The three suffered the impact and according to Cardozo’s testimony they suffered different fractures.

“We need to get more cameras that could capture the moment and more witnesses, because I only got the one from the logger,” the man said.

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