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They create a battery with food: the successful challenge of these scientists

  • Italian scientists managed to create a rechargeable battery based on edible substances
  • It is 0.65 volts and provides 48 microamps for 12 minutes, enough to power small electronic devices for very promising future applications.
  • Researchers hope this will pave the way for longer lasting and safer batteries than Li-ion

It is an impressive feat. Researchers from the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) have created a totally edible and rechargeable battery. This prototype operates with a voltage of 0.65 volts and provides a current of 48 microamps for 12 minutes. This is precisely what is needed to power some small electronic devices.

A promising first

Mario Caironi, who led this research, returned to the applications of his work: “Potential future uses range from edible circuits and sensors that can monitor health conditions to powering sensors to monitor food storage conditions. In addition, given the level of safety of these batteries, they could be used in children’s toys, where the risk of ingestion is high. »

There remains a question of size: from what ingredients is this battery made? There is vitamin riboflavin for the anode, and a quercetin supplement for the cathode. As for the electrolyte, it is produced using a water-based solution. Finally, the separator is generated thanks to nori, a seaweed used for sushi. We are therefore clearly not in the register of great gastronomy, but the whole remains indeed edible.

Far from stopping there, researchers are now trying to develop devices with greater capacity, while reducing the overall size. More generally, they hope it will usher in a new era in the technology sector.

Ivan Ilic, co-author of this scientific work underlines as follows: “This edible battery is also very interesting for the energy storage community. Building safer batteries, without using toxic materials, is a challenge we face as the demand for batteries soars. »

He adds : “Even though our edible batteries won’t power electric cars, they prove that batteries can be made from safer materials than current Li-ion batteries. We believe they will inspire other scientists to build safer batteries for a truly sustainable future. »

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