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They create Harry Potter anime with AI and captivate fans

The story of the most famous magician of recent times, engineered by the writer JK Rowling, has been so popular that it has all kinds of written, film, action figure and even illustrative versions, either by official trademark rights or by symbolic honors from their fans… it is a movement that will hardly stop. This time, shortly after launching the last video game in the saga, she has made Internet users fall in love with an anime version of her endearing characters.

Harry Potter is once again a trend in the digital conversation thanks to Hogwarts Legacy, the video game that leads the top ten of the most anticipated games of 2023 and that has stood out for controversies regarding the intellectual author of the saga.

However, apart from the millionaire investment that Warner Bros or JK Rowling herself collect with their multiple creations inspired by the magical world, it is the same fans who are dedicated to generating traditional and technological art, this time with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and with characteristic illustrations of the anime.

Of course, the final result has delighted fans, but above all it marks an upward trend in the value that this technology has gained in the market, since it is one of the areas with the greatest economic projection in the short and medium term; in fact, it is estimated that AI will exceed 300 billion dollars in its use for the industry by 2025.

Many fans of the JK Rowling universe have ever wondered what their favorite characters would look like in an anime version, and some illustrators have decided to answer this question with the help of technology.

Thus, the Facebook user Oliver Vician He wore the signature staples of Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood and many more.

The result of this anime with AI japanese version It has generated multiple versions, especially positive ones.

Oliver Vician He is a digital artist who has shown the essential and imaginative line that an image can become thanks to technology, because beyond Harry Potter in an anime version, he also generates images inspired by art and culture, sports and even belief. religious.

His profile is a revelation on how the trend of Artificial Intelligence is gaining ground to the point that more and more companies are adopting it in their routine operations.

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