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They create the first intelligent “electronic skin”; robots will feel like humans

Engineers from the University of Edinburgh developed a prototype of smart electronic skin able to react to stimuli like pain, with this it seeks to bring the machines to humans.

According to doctors Yunjie Yang and Francesco Giorgio-Serchi with this technology robots will be given a sense of their own movementperception of space and a response to external stimuli similar to living beings.

This prototype is developed by sensors that allows replicating the ability of living beings to perceive or feel their own body movement, called proprioception.

How will robots feel like humans with new electronic skin?

The new technology was designed at the University of Edinburgh

As if it were a nervous system, “with the different sets of electrodes located on the surface of the robot we can capture the information on movement and deformation in different positions,” he explains.

“We have microchannels formed by liquid metals, which conduct the response of the different sensor electrodes to a processor, which controls the collection of signals from the electronic skin”, he continues.

That is where “the information from the electronic skin is encoded and the useful information related to the movement of the body is extracted, which will be transmitted to a computer,” says Yang, who details that “by means of automatic learning, 3D perception is obtained and the movements.”

The technology being developed by the University of Edinburgh’s SMART research group is safer than conventional robots and can be used in more hostile environments, facilitating more complex tasks.

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As we have mentioned in other informative notes of The Truth Newsthe development of new technologies in the field of smart skin is very advanced, it was recently announced that engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) joined by other experts from South Korea have developed an “electronic skin” sweat proof able to monitor health.

For this, they have an adaptable adhesive patch integrated into a sensor that allows monitoring a person’s health and that does not come off, even when the patient is sweating.

With information from agencies

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