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They debut with 14 and 15 years: Luis Mena proud for the present of the Colo Colo Fem players

Colo Colo Femenino started the championship on the right foot and defeated Cobresal by a resounding eight to zero. The Albas added their first three points of the competition thanks to the conquests of Ysaura Viso who scored a hat-trick, Isidora Olave, Javiera Grez, a brace from Nicole Carter and Anaís Álvarez, to seal the victory.

Luis Mena is filled with pride.

Albo coach Luis Mena spoke exclusively with DaleAlbo, once the match at the Municipal de Puente Alto had finished, where he referred to the incredible moment that two players in particular spend on his squad, such as Anaís Álvarez and Nicole Carter, who made their debut in the professionalism with only 15 and 14 years, respectively.

Also very happy for Anaís Álvarez and Nicole Carter, who are girls that people don’t know and who are 14 and 15 years old. It is very striking for them, but as I always said, as long as they continue to perform they will continue to have an opportunity and we will give them the tools so that the team continues to function ”, the Colocolino coach began assimilating.

However, he delved into this situation with both athletes. “It is part of what we always project and our project is that, to have a mix that would allow these smaller girls to grow alongside the older ones. And in that sense, the preseason we did has been very important, where they strengthened themselves and I insist again, if they continue to perform in this way they will continue to have opportunities because they really earn it on the pitch”.

In addition, he added that “A lot of meritocracy in that sense and we want to continue in that aspect. Happy for them, happy for everyone in general because they played a tremendous game on a difficult pitch, which is also difficult for the rival who also proposed, ”he declared.

However, he was happy with the work that the team showed on the field. “Happy to start this championship that we had waited for so much on the right foot. I’m also happy for the performance, for the result, beyond how big it was, it’s the way we got to that result. It leaves us very satisfied and happy. We are happy for our players in general. Ysaura (Viso) scored a hat-trick that feeds off that for the scorers as well”.

Additionally, it considered that “I was satisfied with everything that is being done, but this is only the first step and we must already think about Iquique next week, think about continuing to recover players. We took care of Fernanda Ramírez who was going to start and presented a little problem in her adductor, but the important thing is that the others are always prepared and in that sense Alexa, who also arrived this year, also did it in a very good way ”.

That’s not all, due to the fact that one of the main objectives that Colo Colo Femenino has for this season is the Copa Libertadores dispute, where they hope to win the second trophy in the history of women’s football at the international level.

“It was always the goal this year. First start this tournament on the right foot, try to defend a title that is going to be difficult because all the teams have strengthened themselves in a very good way. We know that it will be a tough and complicated year, but we are also looking askance at what will be the Copa Libertadores, forming a team that is competitive. We try to have two players per position, so that we can really have that competitiveness that allows us to continue growing collectively and individually.”

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