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They denounce Maduro for violating the Vienna Convention with the Argentine Embassy

Argentina grants asylum to 6 Venezuelan opponents and negotiates safe passage

CARACAS — The Venezuelan Foreign Policy Forum denounced that the regime of Nicolas Maduro is violating the Vienna Convention with the actions he has taken against the Embassy of Argentina in Caracas, where several opponents are taking refuge.

“We demand that the safe conducts announced and then left without effect be carried out because these types of attitudes violate International Law,” the organization said in a statement, reported El Nacional.

The government of Javier Miley He reported on March 25 that he had hosted six leaders of the Venezuelan opposition at the official residence of the Argentine ambassador in Caracas. These are Pedro Urruchurtu, Humberto Villalobos, Claudia Macero, Omar González, Fernando Martínez Mottola and Magallí Meda, the latter being the opposition leader’s electoral campaign manager. Maria Corina Machado.

“With the support of the inviolability enshrined in the Vienna Convention of which both nations, Argentina and Venezuelaare signatories, has hosted opposition political leaders at the official residence of the Argentine Embassy in Caracas,” the Argentine presidential office announced in a statement.

The opponents were accused, without evidence, by the regime of being linked to an alleged conspiracy. Your request to the Embassy Argentina in Caracas occurred after two other leaders of Machado’s command, Henry Alviárez and Dignora Hernández, were arbitrarily detained on March 23.

After these events, the Embassy of Argentina reported the interruption of electricity service.

In this regard, the Argentine authorities warned the regime Venezuela “on any deliberate action that endangers the safety of Argentine diplomatic personnel and Venezuelan citizens under protection, remembering the obligation of the receiving State to safeguard the facilities of the diplomatic mission against intrusions or damage and preserve the tranquility and dignity of the same ”.

Given these actions by the Maduro regimehe Milei government announced his decision to send gendarmes to Caracas to guard the Embassy headquarters.

The decision was adopted at the request of the Foreign Ministry to the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, who indicated that she was preparing to send the eight gendarmes to guard the Argentine residence, which has been subject to cuts in basic services caused by the Maduro regime.

However, the dispatch of the gendarmes was suspended and the reasons were not reported.

Last Friday, Argentine Foreign Minister Diana Mondino reported that her country and Venezuela They are negotiating a safe passage for the six opponents.

“We are managing it, it is not that easy,” said Mondino during an event organized by the Stock Exchange of the province of Córdoba, north of Buenos Aires.

Mondino assured that the Milei Government granted political asylum to the opponents.

According to a senior official of the Venezuelan regime who requested anonymity as a condition for speaking on the subject, safe passage will be granted to the opponents.

“In an extraordinary way, it allowed, well, these people to leave the national territory towards Buenos Aires, as a result of humanitarian reasons,” the official explained. He indicated that they are waiting for Argentina to organize the departure of the opponents to Buenos Aires.

Source: With information from El Nacional

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