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They denounce morenistas for meeting pro corcholatas

Erika Hernández / Reform Agency

Monday, January 16, 2023 | 19:13

Mexico City.- The PAN denounced before the INE the Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López, Governors and the leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, for improper use of public resources.

This for using the facilities of the Ministry of the Interior last Saturday, in which the Morena leader delivered a letter to the Governors of that party asking them to promote the four presidential candidates of Morena in their entities.

“The facts point to a violation of the principle of impartiality, given that they use government spaces and facilities, as well as the resources available to the Ministry of the Interior, because it realizes that the meeting was of a partisan nature.

The Secretary of the Interior himself has carried out acts that demonstrate his particular intention to participate in the electoral process to elect the head of the federal Executive, for which we are faced with a fact in which a violation of constitutional article 134 and 449 of the General Law of Electoral Institutions and Procedures, as well as the improper use of public resources with the purpose of favoring the candidates of Morena”, warns in the complaint.

In the appeal, presented by the representative of the PAN before the INE, Víctor Hugo Sondón, it is recalled that constitutional 134 clearly states that all “public servants have, at all times, the obligation to impartially apply the public resources that are under their responsibility, without influencing the fairness of the competition between political parties”.

The PAN warns that this is part of a strategy by Morena to illegally position his presidential candidates.

For this reason, it requests that the Complaints Commission issue a preventive guardianship to require Governors not to get involved in the electoral process.

“Order, exhort, the Secretary of the Interior, as well as the public servants emanating from Morena, such as the Governors of the states of Campeche, Colima, Guerrero Tlaxcala, Chiapas, Nayarit, Tamaulipas, Hidalgo, Tabasco and Veracruz, as well as who is responsible for carrying out the facts denounced.

“The non-use of the resources available to the Ministry of the Interior, as well as the realization of future proselytizing acts, since it is necessary that the principles on which the electoral processes must be developed, since various strategies of promotion and personal support of the accused, since it is clear that they have launched a campaign in which the image and name of the Morena candidates stand out, for which reason the aforementioned preventive protection acquires the character of necessary, “the complaint indicates.

For his part, Moren’s representative before the INE, Mario Llergo, responded to counselor Ciro Murayama, who accused the morenistas of using public facilities for electoral purposes.

“Ciro Murayama does not like that the Secretary of the Interior does his job. I inform you, Counselor, that @adan_augusto is RESPONSIBLE for the country’s governability and that brunette governs 22 of 32 states. What is wrong with dialogue to continue with the stability of the country?

“The truth is that Murayama, like a drunk from a canteen, seeks to provoke those who have never fallen into discussion or empty controversy. However, in my capacity as the Representative of Morena I tell you: we do not rule out the impeachment against him for the repeated occasions in which it has moved away from the guiding principles of the electoral function,” he said.

This despite the fact that the meeting discussed, according to the attendees, the tours of the presidential candidates through the states governed by Morena, and in which, even, the party leader delivered a letter asking them to promote to all those registered, so that they have the same conditions to be promoted.

Llergo reported that he will file a complaint with the INE Comptroller for Murayama’s behavior and statements.

“In the INE they are managed under the conservative maxim that slander when it does not stain tarnish. Counselor @CiroMurayamaINE, I invite you to learn more laws than those of the electoral function. Consult 27 of the LOAPF. There you will find more answers, “he added .

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