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They detected almost 15,000 works without authorization in La Plata

The Platense Collection Agency (APR) reported that More than 2 million square meters of undeclared construction in the city were detectedthrough the procedures carried out by the Municipality to combat tax evasion.

The authorities pointed out that these operations have satellite technology and are carried out regularly. In this way, they managed to capture high-definition images of land that appears as vacant but that has buildings in conditions to be inhabited.

In this case, the figure corresponds to some 15,000 buildings detected that were not in progress, which were summoned to regularize their fiscal situation before the APR.

Likewise, once the term granted has expired, the properties will become the object of an ex officio determination regarding their valuation in order to establish the tax base of the Municipal Urban Services Rate (SUM Rate)having to pay the amounts that arise with their respective interests, surcharges and fines.

“We use the available technologies with the objective of adding tools to the control operations”said in this regard the head of the APR, carlos mongan.

It is worth mentioning that, while advancing with various innovation processes to optimize controls, the Municipality will continue to develop tax audit inspections aimed at avoiding these situations of tax evasion that affect good taxpayers.

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