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They develop in Japan a suitcase that works with artificial intelligence to guide blind people

Japanese researchers presented this Thursday, January 26 in Tokyo, Japan, an autonomous suitcase that allows to avoid obstacles in order to guide blind people at the airport no need for a cane or guide dog, powered by artificial intelligence (AI).

The device looks like a normal suitcase, but it is equipped with several of the technologies that can be found in autonomous vehicles, such as sensors, AI and motors that help guide people with visual difficulties safely around obstacles or other people, according to the report published on the website of infobae.

Chieko Asakawa, a computer scientist and IBM researcher, is the developer of this suitcase. He lost his vision completely when he was 14 years old in an accidentso he decided to create this device.

Based on my own experience of not having vision, I have developed this suitcase with AI to improve accessibility and achieve free movement of people without sight”, he explained.

The Japanese researcher, who had been developing the concept since 2017 in collaboration with IBM, today presented the device at the National Museum of Emerging Sciences and Innovation (Miraikan) in Odaiba (Tokyo Bay).

Objective: independent mobility

The idea of ​​creating this suitcase with AI came from the experience of its creator, who wanted to achieve independent mobility, especially in a stressful environment such as an airport.

I have felt that there is a wall that cannot be crossed with technology alone, but now we have been able to test the suitcase and offer the opportunity to Tokyoites to experience it tooAsakawa says.

The robot suitcase works as a “travel companion” and can be transported in the cabin. It has a touch sensor on the handle that makes the device, with large wheels, stop when the person releases it, thus a voice control device.

To ensure safe browsing, It also has depth cameras and a sensor (called LiDAR) that allows measuring the distance and shape of nearby pedestrians, objects and walls. You can calculate the safest route with all the information collected.

Asakawa hopes to start marketing the device for private use and that it can be used in various places such as airports, shopping malls and other public spaces.

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