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“They didn’t know anything about me”: Tania (Koh-Lanta, the Sacred Fire) explains her double game between Yellows and Reds

It’s an outcome that Tania absolutely did not expect. In the fourth episode of Koh-Lanta, the Sacred Firebroadcast this Tuesday, March 14 on TF1, the candidate for the yellow tribe changed teams to join the Reds following the reorganization of the tribes. This change will have been fatal to her since the young woman, yet a fine strategist, did not see the five votes coming against her. Indeed, only Rudy, his ally since the first day of the adventure, did not register his name on a ballot. Seven months after her elimination, she takes stock of her career with Tele-Leisure.

“Since the beginning of the adventure, I did not exist”

Tele-Leisure: What do you say to yourself when you see your name appear on the ballots?

Tania : My intuition never lies to me. Arrived at the council, I said to myself that I was going out tonight.I hadn’t been told anything but it’s really the energy of the people around me, the looks, I quickly understood. When I saw my first name, it confirmed my intuition.

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You say you didn’t have a double game between the Yellows and the Reds. A little anyway, right?

No not necessarily. Did I owe anything to the Yellows? I do not think so. They made it clear to me that I was next out on the board . I can’t take that away from them, for being honest with me. Célia, Benjamin and I were warned. I fought to stay in the adventure. I continued my alliance with Rudy because he had protected me with his talisman, I could see that it still held. As soon as the ex-Yellows felt in danger in the new Reds team, they needed Tania! Since the beginning of the adventure, I did not exist. Except that my name was Tania, they didn’t know anything about me.

“The ex-Yellow had no pity for us”

At the start of the episode, you lie to the Yellows by telling them that Christine seemed to be in danger. And right after, you say you want “smash the yolks” to reunification with Benjamin… So you had a plan?

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Yes, I didn’t want to leave like that, I thought it wasn’t necessarily deserved. Fortunately there was Benjamin in the team, otherwise I would have been alone all day! Gilles and Grace were there to talk with me too, but the team didn’t include me. At the start of the adventure, when I was with the ex-Yellows, it was frustrating to tell myself that I couldn’t lose a single event when they were talking all day about reunification. They had no pity for us!Having the talisman came at just the right time in my season.

Earlier today, Frédéric assures you that you were not in the hot seat with the ex-Yellows…

It’s a lie! I know very well that they didn’t give a damn about me. In a previous episode, Quentin explained that I was doing a betrayal by saying that ten days as a team is worth less than an afternoon with Rudy. Ten days in a team where no one spoke to me versus half a day with Rudy who took an interest in my life and got to know me, you can see the difference. Of course I’m going to follow Rudy and not the ex-Yellows . From the first day, they had told me that I would leave if we had to go to the council. Frédéric tried to play all his cards because he was arriving in a new team where he was in the minority.

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“It pained me to make Gilles think even more”

You didn’t ask Gilles, your former teammate, for the talisman?

Absolutely not because Rudy asked me to trust him so for me, I shouldn’t go out. I approached this advice quietly. And in addition, Gilles is a person who thinks a lot, and whom I particularly like. It would have been smart of me to ask for his protection. But I didn’t even play that card because it pained me to make him think even more, to make him doubt. But Koh-Lantathis is not a game where emotions come into play.

Will we see you again on television?

No, my dream was to do Koh-LantaI made it. Afterwards, I wait to see what the future holds for me, who knows, maybe another Koh-Lanta ?I don’t know if I would be ready to go back, honestly. I wait to see where life takes me, I live from day to day… As on Koh-Lanta !

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