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They discover that the rugbiers managed the accounts that claimed to defend them

The trial for the crime of Fernando Baez Sosa, the 18-year-old young man who was beaten to death at the exit of the Le Brique nightclub in Villa Gesell on January 18, 2020, begins to come to an end. This Wednesday the stage of allegations began, with the exposition of the prosecutors and the representatives of silvino baez Y Grace Sosa, parents of the victim; and it will continue on Thursday when it is the turn of the defense, but just hours after the start of this new stage in the judicial process, a new piece of information was revealed that caused outrage: The defendants managed from prison several profiles on social networks in which alleged users claimed to defend them.

The agents of the Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service kidnapped last weekend two cell phones in the possession of Enzo Comelli and of Blas Cinallitwo of the eight rugbiers from Zárate arrested for the murder of Fernando, and after analyzing them it was discovered that they themselves managed the accounts @rugbiers.zárate and @RugbiersZarate on Instagram and Twitter respectively, in which messages from supposed users claiming to defend them were periodically published. The profiles had aroused strong controversy on social networks and tried to show the alleged ordeal that the defendants were experiencing, but it all turned out to be part of a hoax.

The news was released by the journalist Mauro Szeta through his social networks, where he said that the authorities of the Dolores prison, where the defendants have been detained since the beginning of the process, seized the phones and finally discovered the outrageous situation.

The accounts in question, strongly criticized by hundreds of users, sought to “humanize” the Cinalli (21), Comelli (22), maximum thomsen (23), Matias Benicelli (23), Ayrton Violaz (23), Luciano Pertosi (twenty-one), Cyrus Pertossi (22) and Lucas Pertosi (23), who are tried as co-perpetrators of “doubly aggravated homicide due to treachery and the premeditated cooperation of two or more people”, a crime that provides for life imprisonment.


The profiles, which were replicated on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, were anonymous until now and used various photos of the detainees to carry out an incredible request: “Enough of social condemnation. Enough of lies. Enough of violence. Enough of hate”.

The most representative of all these accounts had a significant number of followers on both Twitter and Instagram and bore the name of “Zárate Rugby”. Although without publications, the profile did replicate alleged comments and opinions in defense of those accused of Fernando’s murder.

“This is a show, it’s really sad to see the level of hatred that they handle for the kids. Was this a tragedy? Yes, but sadly it happens every day, only this case became so mediatic that they are even going to use it with Political purposes”was expressed in one of the last private messages that the account would have received and in another it could be read: “I’m very sorry. Alcohol is sometimes delirious. I’m very sorry for Fernando’s parents, but also for the boys who are dying in life. It shows that they are wrong”. The truth is that, now, the veracity of those messages has vanished.

The rugbiers hid both the names and the photos of the people who supposedly commented, without making it clear if the defense was real or if it is a reprehensible maneuver to generate repercussions on social networks. After the revelation, everything indicates that she had dealt with the second option.

The anonymity of the account did not allow us to know whether or not those responsible for the profile were relatives, friends and relatives of the defendants who did not dare to defend them openly and although their Twitter posts were protected, in one of their first messages it was possible to read a phrase that generated strong indignation: “We all, as a society, are hurt by what happened: Fernando could be a grandson, son or friend of any of us. But, on the other hand, the eight defendants too”.

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