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They endorse appointments in Banxico and CRE

Mexico City.- Congress endorsed the appointment of Omar Mejía Castelazo as a member of the Board of Governors of the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) and Leopoldo Vicente Melchi García as commissioner of the CRE.

Omar Mejía Castelazo passed his election as a member of the Banxico Governing Board.

Although it has been questioned for its lack of experience and its autonomy has been questioned, it achieved sufficient support for its ratification.

In the session of the Permanent Commission of Congress, he obtained 24 votes in favor of his appointment, just the minimum required to achieve ratification with a qualified majority.

Votes were recorded in abstention and one against.

After making a protest, he will be in office until December 31, 2030.

For its part, in a ballot vote and with 33 votes in favor (qualified majority), the Plenary of the Permanent Commission elected Leopoldo Vicente Melchi García as president commissioner of the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE).

The Morena, PT and PVEM bloc voted for Omar Mejía Castelazo, as well as PRI senators Beatriz Paredes and Miguel Osorio Chong, PRD member Miguel Ángel Mancera and Alejandra del Carmen León, from MC.

PAN deputies and senators abstained, as well as PRI and PRD deputies, maintaining the Va por México bloc. The senator of the Plural Group, Emilio Álvarez Icaza, did so against it.

Senator Álvarez Icaza, when arguing on the platform, pointed out that the current conditions of the Country and what is expected in the Bank of Mexico should be considered.

He stressed that Banco de México needs experience and track records beyond any doubt, so that the institution contributes to better responding to the challenges that Mexico faces due to the lack of growth and inflation.

He questioned whether there is autonomy in the proposed person, after the federal Executive did not propose Gerardo Esquivel for a second term and proposed Mejía Castelazo.

“The autonomy of the Bank of Mexico was thought to guarantee economic decisions that are not subordinated to what the government in turn thinks,” he stated.

He indicated that the proposal sent makes us wonder why the re-election of Gerardo Esquivel was not sought, if he was a professional who joined the project of the current Government.

However, he said, he is one of the few people who has known how to say “no” to the President of the Republic, with respect and capacity.

“He is not the only one, two Treasury Secretaries have said no to the President, which seems like a grievance,” he remarked.

He said that thinking differently from the Government should not be seen as an attack or a lack of respect.

He recognized that the proposal presented in favor of Omar Mejía is legal, but considered that it is important to defend the autonomy, independence and centrality of Banco de México.

He pointed out that in the case of the “plagiarizing minister” greater parliamentary control is needed, more rigorous of those who are proposed to occupy high public positions.

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