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They entered the house while they were sleeping and stole $80,000 and a cell phone

Monday, January 9, 2023 | 5:40 p.m.

Friends of others took a total of $80,000 from a house located in the Kolping neighborhood of Jardín América, the money was in a wallet, inside the house, from where they also stole a cell phone. All this happened in the middle of the night, while the family was sleeping, the thugs entered the home and searched their belongings.

The event happened on the night of last Sunday, 7 people were in the house at that time. One of them Adelina Ynsaurralde. She, like her husband, two children and three grandchildren were sleeping at the time of the robbery. When they realized what happened, they did not take long to file the complaint and they want to know who or who were the perpetrators of the crime.

“The criminals took $80,000 in cash, my son’s cell phone and charger and also tried to take a jug, although they disconnected it and left it in the kitchen,” Ynsaurralde began with El Territorio. It all happened while the family was sleeping, the lady said that the money they took was saved and she realized after noticing that the back door of the house was open.

“I got up to go to the bathroom, I looked at the time and realized that the wallet where I had the money was not there, the back door was open so I called my husband and my son,” she described. In addition, he specified that at night they did not lock the door, therefore the criminals had easy access to the place.

They immediately noticed that not only was the cash missing, but Adelina’s son also realized that his cell phone was missing, as well as its charger and money from his wallet, where the total amount was $80,000. In turn, she stated that her son wanted to go early for a rental and if she convinced him of the place, he was going to use part of the amount to enter.

“We do not have security cameras, there is one near our house that belongs to a bakery but we still did not know how many there were, we could not locate them either and we have not yet recovered what was stolen from us,” said the woman. After the fact, the family He automatically filed a complaint at the local police station, which works to reveal what happened.

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