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They extend the term to register dolls: until when and what are the requirements?

The Municipality of La Plata extended until Wednesday, December 28, the deadline to register the structures that will burn on New Years. The measure seeks to extend the term for those registered via the web who remain to complete the face-to-face process.

Interested parties may complete the form at After that, they must go to the Citizen Control headquarters (20 and 50) between Monday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., with copy of ID of the person in charge and a sketch with the dimensions of the momo.

On the aforementioned website, the Municipality also created a digital platform from which you can see the progress, location and color content of each doll, since all registered structures will be geolocated on the site’s interactive map, easily access for any neighbor or tourist who comes to the city.


It is important to remember that, according to current regulations, the dolls cannot exceed six meters in height, three meters in width and three meters in length; its location must contemplate a safety radius of three times its height; that can be installed on the street five days before the date of burning; and that those responsible must be over 21 years of age and have a residence within a maximum range of 500 meters in relation to the location requested to install the momo.

To guarantee the safety of those who attend the burning and avoid discomfort and hearing damage to people and animals, It is not allowed to place fireworks inside the structures; and it is mandatory to accept and comply with the health protocols established by the Municipality; as well as the participation of those responsible for the momos in the CPR and Electricity training that will be given in the Dardo Rocha Passage.

In this sense, agents of the Municipality will carry out regular controls, in which they will request a copy of the registration application; they will analyze the vehicular traffic and the state and characteristics of the cabling in the vicinity of the location of each momo; and they will corroborate that it is more than 100 meters from any gas supply mouth, relief valve outlets, oil pipelines, polyducts, gas pipelines and all types of fuel fluid conduction.

Likewise, they will verify a minimum distance of 30 meters from home gas cabins and 250 meters from fuel outlets; that the dolls are not located on land with buried pipelines for conducting fuel fluids; that they are at least 300 meters apart, except in the linear park of Avenida Circunvalación where they can be 100 meters away; that are not mounted under cables or trees; nor less than 200 meters from hospitals or other health centers.

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