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They filter a cell photo of the CJNG that killed police officers in CDMX

The Cell of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) who a week ago caused a shooting in which three policemen died, posed with long weapons, vests, tactical equipment and his face covered for a photograph.

In one of the images that were obtained by the authorities of the Mexico Cityseven subjects are seen detained and posing with all their equipment dressed in black and others hooded.

In The Truth News, we made the report of the persecution that took place when the elements of the CJNG and police officers Mexico state clashed over a kidnapping report that culminated in CDMX.

CJNG takes a photo in pose

The photograph was taken before the operation.

The image of the cell headed by ‘El Lagarto’ reached El Univesal, and according to the investigation CI-FIEDH/2/UI-1 C/D/00100/03-2023, “El Lagarto” was one of those who took a long weapon and fired at the officers of the capital, while they were persecuted when they entered the area of ​​Álvaro Obregón.

This operation led to the death of three police officers, and the promotion of 14 elements that participated in the event.

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Crimes of ‘The Lizard’

The crimes charged were intentional homicide and the possession of firearms for the exclusive use of the Army.

The crimes that the head of the criminal cell of the ‘El Mencho’ cartel was accused of, were intentional homicide and the possession of firearms, in addition to excessive use by the Army because not only tactical equipment, but also high-caliber weapons were confiscated. thick.

Besides, in the image you can see other subjects who are nicknamed “Anthrax”, “JR”, “Chino”, “Alan”, “Cuervo” and “Moreno”.

The authorities indicated that all the subjects were involved in the events of last Friday and that they were part of a criminal cell of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel.

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