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They filter the open world campaign that COD: Black Ops 3 was going to have

This year we received Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with a campaign that was generally well received by its fans, although it follows the linear structure that has characterized the franchise for more than a decade. However, images of the scrapped open-world campaign have been leaked for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 and it looks kind of interesting.

It had long been reported that originally Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 was going to have an open world campaign, but this was canceled in the middle of its development and instead what we already know was delivered. COD: BO3’s campaign isn’t one of the most beloved by fans, but this might have been different with the original plan.

An Imgur user posted a series of images from the scrapped open-world campaign for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 from 2013, showing maps of at least four fairly extensive scenarios and a variety of missions to solve. These maps are Chinatown, Downtown, Hilltop and Black Station, which can be seen in detail on Imgur.

The user in question published more than 60 images of the canceled campaign for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, where in addition to the maps we see the type of missions that we were going to find on them. Some of these missions seem focused on survival, while in others we must capture objectives or carry out assassinations.

Apparently the open maps of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 were going to have a day and night cycle, in addition to an economy system and construction mechanics. Activision reportedly worked on this idea for about a year before it was replaced by a linear campaign.

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