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They find phosphorus on one of Saturn’s moons, a fundamental ‘ingredient’ for life

They find phosphorus on one of Saturn's moons, a fundamental 'ingredient' for life

One of the main purposes of exploring the Universe is to find life outside of our planet. An important step in this search was revealed yesterday when a team of scientists revealed that they had found evidence of the presence of phosphorus on Enceladus, one of Saturn’s 82 moons. “This is a surprising result for astrobiology and a great step forward in the search for life beyond Earth,” says American geochemist Christopher Glein, who has published the results in the journal together with other specialists. ‘Nature’.

Phosphorus in the form of phosphates is an essential element for life as we know it. It is present in both DNA and RNA, is essential in the formation of bones and teeth, and is essential for the body to generate energy. Scientists have detected their presence “in concentrations at least a hundred times higher than in the Earth’s oceans” in a kind of huge geysers of ice particles that rise to the surface of Enceladus from a subterranean ocean and form one of the known Saturn’s rings -the E ring, specifically-. This is the first time it has been found in an ocean outside our planet. “By determining such high concentrations of phosphate in the ocean of Encedalus, one of the requirements set to establish whether a celestial body is habitable is met,” adds Fabian Klenner, another of the study’s authors.

Experts consider the discovery of oceans beneath a surface layer of ice on other planets and satellites to be one of the most important milestones in the last 25 years. In addition to Enceladus, its presence is known to occur on two other icy moons of Saturn on Titan, a satellite of Jupiter, and on Pluto.

The key role of the Cassini probe

The discovery of phosphorus was possible thanks to the Cassisi mission, sponsored by NASA in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI). Launched in 1997, this probe explored Saturn and its surroundings for more than 13 years, between 2004 and 2017. After discovering the aforementioned geysers a year after its arrival, thanks to their observations they also determined that the subterranean ocean is unique and extends for all of Enceladus. Already in 2015, the engineers decided that it would go through one of those jets that sprout from the satellite to collect samples. It came to be only 49 kilometers from the surface. The result is what has now been known, the abundant presence of a fundamental element for life.

Cassini also made it possible to adjust the age of Saturn’s seven rings. If before it was thought that they arose more or less at the same time as the gas giant 4,500 million years ago, now it is known that they are much younger, between 100 and 400 million. They are made up mainly of small fragments of ice and rock, they are half a kilometer thick – in some points it is only ten meters – and a diameter of 270,000 kilometers, more than half the distance that separates our planet from the Moon. The other gas giants in the Solar System – Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have them – but Saturn’s are the only ones visible from Earth.

Last March, another essential element for life was discovered in the Ruyugu asteroid. Uracil, one of the components necessary to form RNA, was found. This finding suggests that nucleotides – the components that make up both DNA and RNA. Both have three of them in common, adenine (A), cytosine (C) and guanine (G). It is the fourth that differentiates them. DNA contains thymine (T), while RNA, the aforementioned uracil (U) – have an extraterrestrial origin and came to our planet from the impact of carbon-rich meteorites such as Ruyugu between 4,100 and 3,800 million years ago.

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