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They find the body of a Mexican woman who died trying to cross into the United States

They find the body of a Mexican woman who died trying to cross into the United States

MEXICO CITY – The body of a Mexican woman who died trying to cross the border between Mexico and the United States irregularly was rescued this Friday by personnel from the National Institute of Migration (INM) of Mexico which, in turn, intercepted 130 migrants who were traveling crowded on a bus.

According to the INM, the rescue of the body of the deceased woman occurred after agents from the Ciudad Acuña Beta Group, in Coahuila, received a report from the Mexican Consulate in Del Río, Texas, in which a woman from the central state from Guanajuato notified the authorities that her sister had lost her life trying to cross the border.

In response to the complaint, the agency specified in a statement, migration agents, Grupo Beta and state authorities They began with search operations to recover the woman’s body.

After several hours, the woman’s body was located in the mountainous area of ​​Acuña, where expert services, personnel from the Missing Persons Search Commission, the State Prosecutor’s Office and the Public Security Secretariat arrived.

In a separate event, in the municipality of Morelos, 130 people of foreign origin who were traveling irregularly in Mexican territory were intercepted while being transported in buses.

According to information from the INM, 79 of them come from Honduras, 18 from Guatemala, 12 from Colombia, 9 from Venezuela, 8 from Ecuador, two from Peru, one from Nicaragua and one more from El Salvador.

Likewise, 98 of the foreigners, including 41 girls, boys and adolescents, traveled in 39 family units, while 6 minors traveled unaccompanied.

The bus drivers They were placed at the disposal of the Coahuila Civil Police for the corresponding investigations.

The events occur in the midst of an upturn in the migratory flow through Mexico after the initial drop that caused the expiration last May of Title 42 of the United States, as recognized on Wednesday by the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The growing findings of migrants in overcrowded conditions reflect the unprecedented migratory flow in the region, with more than 2.76 million undocumented migrants intercepted by the United States at the border with Mexico during fiscal year 2022.

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