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They force the mayor of Chiapas to resign; receives threats

Nayra Rivera/ Reform Agency

Tuesday, February 07, 2023 | 17:43

Chiapas, Mexico.- Mayor Angelina Díaz Méndez was forced to resign by a group of Tzotzil residents who threatened to burn her alive if she did not leave office, arguing that she could not govern the municipality of Aldama, Chiapas, because she was a woman.

Díaz Méndez filed a complaint with the Electoral Crimes Prosecutor’s Office in the state of Chiapas in which she narrated that she received threats of being raped and burned alive, of refusing to resign.

This during a municipal assembly on January 30, in which a Municipal Council was appointed, only under the endorsement of “usos y costumbres”, that would supplant the Mayor emanating from the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM).

The appointed Municipal Council is headed by Salvador Jiménez Santiz as council president, Gilberto López Lunez as municipal trustee and Mateo de la Cruz Hernández as president of the ejidal commissioner.

On June 7, 2021, Díaz Méndez was elected as mayor of Aldama, a position she would hold until 2024.

In this regard, the feminist collective Chiapas 50 + 1 condemned the acts of gender-based political violence and urged the Electoral Court of the State of Chiapas and the Institute of Elections and Citizen Participation to grant the necessary protection measures to the Edil.

“Angelina Díaz Méndez, constitutional municipal president of Aldama, under pressure and threats against her personal and sexual integrity, was forced to sign her resignation, which entails an affront to the Rule of Law and to the popular will expressed at the polls in the last electoral process.

“The 50 + 1 Collective demands that emergency protection orders and preventive protection orders be issued as soon as possible in favor of Angelina Díaz Méndez, due to the risk she is in and based on her safety and personal integrity. “.

The mayor also sent a document to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the Governor of Chiapas, Rutilio Escandón Cadenas, to inform them of the situation.

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