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They forecast a lot of heat for today

They forecast a lot of heat for today

“Igualdados” is a game that was born with the aim of promoting equal conditions and opportunities for girls, boys, adolescents, women and men in the country.

The initiative puts on the table some situations of inequality in different spheres of daily life, to reflect on them and thus open the way so that no one is left behind.

Equality for all people continues to be a great challenge in our country. This prompted Fundación Alda to create a board game that raises different situations of inequality such as, for example, wage gaps between women and men, the differences in opportunities between people with and without disabilities, between those who receive greater opportunities for education, health and employment and those who do not, between others.

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through the phrase “If we play equal, we advance!”, a parallel is made between the game and daily life, not only as a call for equal opportunities but also as recognition of the importance of actions aimed at respect and non-discrimination.

The materials that will be disseminated are posters, radio and television spots, which will provide relevant data on inequality and discrimination in different contexts through clear messages that encourage critical reflection and aim to generate a change in attitude to shorten the gaps generated by inequality. The campaign includes community activations in five project intervention districts: Ciudad del Este, Caaguazú, Encarnación, Villeta and Villa Elisa.

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“The project seeks to contribute to the promotion of the rights and effective participation of girls, boys, adolescents and women, to fully develop in society,” said Roberto Galeano Monti, executive director of Alda. The campaign is part of the “Iguales” project, which has resources from the Spanish Cooperation and the support of the Ministries for Children and Adolescents and Women.

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