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They found the lifeless bodies of the children thrown into the river by their mother

Sunday, January 8, 2023 | 8:58 a.m.

After two days of an intense search by the Misiones Police and the Prefecture, last night the bodies of the two children who had been thrown by their mother last Friday at noon in Eldorado were found in the Paraná River.

According to police sources, the discovery occurred in the afternoon about 500 meters from the place where they had disappeared.

It was learned that there is no land access to that place, so the experts had to advance by water to carry out the rigorous tasks and then begin the extraction task. By court order, both bodies will be taken to the Posadas Judicial Morgue for the Forensic Medical Corps to perform the autopsy.

The second day of the search began early yesterday in a coordinated manner by members of the Police and the Prefecture. The operation covered a radius of 1,500 square meters of the mighty waters.

In this line, tactical divers from the Prefecture raked the bottom supported by the force boats on the surface, while uniformed men, scientific experts from the Regional Unit III of the Police and baqueanos, advanced by land checking every meter of the shore in looking for some vestige that would guide the investigation that also extended to the towns of Puerto Piray, Montecarlo and Caraguatay.

At first, sources from the Prefecture announced that during the second day of work they found “personal effects of minors.” The finding ran the epicenter of the search, which finally at nighttime yielded a positive result with the appearance of two corpses.

The fact

It all happened in the area known as 200 Steps on the waterfront at Kilometer 1 of Eldorado around 11 o’clock last Friday.

After the rescue of the mother, identified as Mirian Z, by two fishermen and after her disclosure to her rescuers that she had thrown her two young children, assuring that the minors had disappeared from the surface. Immediately, both the federal and the provincial forces organized the search operation in a large sector marked by her mother.

The operation was carried out both in the riverside area and in the depths, it even ran downstream. In parallel, details of this tragic and unfortunate decision became known.

official statements

During the hard hours of work to find the children, Chief Commissioner Milcíades Benítez, deputy head of the Eldorado III Regional Unit, reported in an interview with local media that the search still had no positive results and that the only thing that They managed to find different objects, such as “a bag that belonged to the mother, a sandal, a little shoe belonging to one of the boys, a bottle, and a handbag. That was what was found along the shore.”

In addition, the uniformed man maintained that the woman at the time of being rescued “the only thing she stated was that her idea was to commit suicide and that she would take her along with her children, it was the only thing she constantly repeated. I don’t know if it was due to a state of shock, nervousness or some other psychological state, but she was the only thing she expressed. That more or less coincides with the statements of some witnesses who saw when she entered the water with her children.

In this context, the search continued until the night and was restarted in the early hours of yesterday morning.

According to some of her relatives, the woman now suspected of double aggravated homicide was not in a good state of mental health, she was noted to be quite depressed and in recent years she required psychiatric treatment, even more so since her children were born, for which reason the father of the children was the one who was in charge of their care.

The information provided by police sources also indicates that according to the testimony of the couple, identified as 38-year-old Pablo V., the woman would have left a farewell letter before committing the alleged crime and in this context, in her statement she also recounted that his wife suffers from acute schizophrenia, a state that could have influenced the tragic decision.

Likewise, the police doctors examined the 34-year-old woman after she was rescued and found that she is a person with a history of psychiatric pathology, who was on medication and who was treated by Mental Health some time ago.

On the other hand, up to now Mirian Z. (34) remains detained in police custody and at the disposal of the Second Investigating Court of Eldorado.

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