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They give him 10 years in prison for sexually assaulting a minor

Cuauhtémoc, Chih.- The evidence provided by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Western Zone District Attorney’s Office was sufficient for a Control judge to issue a sentence of 10 years in prison, against the defendant José Luis GA, for the crime of aggravated rape of a minor. old.

The resolution was issued on Tuesday, after the aforementioned defendant accepted a special abbreviated procedure in which he accepted his criminal responsibility for events that occurred on August 16, 2022.

The ministerial investigations established that that day, the now sentenced man sexually assaulted a minor at an address located in the Santa María neighborhood, in the city of Cuauhtémoc, taking advantage of the bond of trust that the victim had in him.

Facts for which he was arrested within the legal term of flagrante delicto by elements of the Municipal Public Security Directorate.

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