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They give up a space for the burned school to start classes

The Municipality of La Plata announced that it will make the facilities of the Olmos Community Integration Center (CIC) available to the Juan XXIII Agrotechnical College affected by a fire over the weekend so that the institution can guarantee the start of classes next Wednesday, March 1.

The school is located in 155 between 46 and 49 of San Carloshas 180 students and suffered a fire the weekend that caused damage. As reported, the flames started in a neighboring property but spread to the thatched roof of a classroom independent from the rest of the school.

The director of the institution, Silvia Romeroeconfirmed this Wednesday that students will not be able to start the school year in that place and also referred to the different versions that emerged regarding the fire that devastated the building. “I can’t tell you that it was intentional, but things happen regularly here. It’s normal for things to be broken, animals to be killed”the teacher maintained after being consulted about what could have unleashed the voracious fire.

Faced with this scenario, the Commune decided to make the Olmos CIC available so that students can study there until the school is repaired. “If there is something that I will always defend, it is the education of our children; that is why I repudiate what happened and ask the authorities to investigate thoroughly until they find the culprits.“, maintained the mayor of La Plata, Julio Garro.

“Until the school recovers what it lost, we will guarantee the start of the school year”added the communal chief, and detailed: “We made the municipal CIC of Olmos available so that they can make use of the space and that the children do not miss a single day of school”.

After the fire, municipal officials approached the school -which is privately managed and is under the orbit of DIEGEP- to accompany the educational community. During the visit, they agreed to carry out a survey that will allow evaluating the steps to follow to reverse the damage.

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