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They kill a night watchman from the municipality of San Javier | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Saturday May 6, 2023 | 10:00 a.m.

Chamorro, 52, was found in a sector of the property located on Sarmiento and Roque González streets.

Chamorro, 52, was found in a sector of the property located on Sarmiento and Roque González streets.

A municipal worker, identified as Jorge Chamorro, 52, was found dead while working as a night watchman on a property in the Municipality of San Javier.

Although at first the official sources stated that the victim did not have any external injuries when they found the body, later expert examinations confirmed that the death was the result of a homicide.

According to police sources, Chamorro was lying face down on the ground.

The spokesmen told this morning newspaper that the discovery was made in the early morning hours, in the building located on Sarmiento and Roque González streets in that town.

The 44-year-old suspect was caught on security cameras.

Personnel from the Criminalistics Division of the VI Regional Unit carried out the rigorous tests at the scene.

There it was found that two cabinets inside the municipal treasury office showed signs of violence and blood stains, without noticing missing items.

For his part, the doctor on duty who examined Chamorro’s body had abundant blood loss through the oral cavity, suggesting possible digestive bleeding.

According to the first investigations, no external injuries were observed and he presented complete rigidity.

After the preliminary results of the autopsy carried out, they reported that Chamorro had two puncture wounds in the neck area, these injuries being the ones that caused the death.

On the other hand, the case was brought to the attention of the Investigating Court Five of Leandro N. Alem, who ordered that rigorous studies be carried out to determine the cause of death.

Search and detection

Based on different inquiries, but above all due to the analysis of different film records collected during yesterday’s session, the police investigations identified a 44-year-old man who would have been seen on the municipal property. And that he could have participated in the murder.

Based on this information, different operations were carried out in the town and around 8:30 p.m. yesterday, a police commission located the suspect.

He ended up staying at police headquarters and is expected to be investigated in the next few hours.

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