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They kill a tiger from Pablo Escobar’s former hacienda

Colombia.- A tiger was sacrificed in Colombia when it tried to escape from the Hacienda Nápoles Theme Park, formerly owned by drug lord Pablo Escobar, because it could not be controlled and before it left the conservation environment.

The Park explained in a statement that the events occurred on Thursday at the end of the day, when the place was already closed to the public that usually comes for its tourist attraction.

“It was produced by an unfortunate combination between a failure in the protocol for handling the animal and its particular cunning,” explained the Park, located in Puerto Triunfo, 200 kilometers from Bogotá.

The regional environmental authority confirmed that it was a tiger that escaped while being fed. After going to the Park on Friday, they proceeded to collect information and versions of what happened.

“We will begin the investigations into what the protocol failed and we will initiate the corresponding legal and technical sanctions or measures that give rise to it,” said David Echeverri López, head of Cornare’s diversity management office, in a video released to the press.

The Park pointed out that upon noticing the feline’s escape attempt, they activated a red security code and in “compliance with the protocols” they proceeded to “neutralize” the animal, after it could not be controlled.

Pablo Escobar built the Hacienda Nápoles in the 1980s and turned it into his private zoo where he also brought baby hippos. After the fall of the feared drug trafficker, the place became a tourist attraction and dedicated itself to conserving the species.

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