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They locate a lifeless woman inside a tambo in Chihuahua

Chihuahua, Chih.- A 44-year-old woman was found lifeless inside a 200-liter drum, which contained water, inside a house on Plan de Ayala streets number 2107 in the Plan de Ayala neighborhood, south of the city of Chihuahua.

Relatives of the now deceased were the ones who called the emergency number 911 and reported the event, so upon confirming the death the area was cordoned off and they requested the presence of the State Attorney General’s Office.

Relatives indicated that the woman suffered from a mental illness, so the competent authorities were in charge of starting the relevant investigation work.

Until now, it was only indicated that the relatives arrived at the property and noticed the fact, his son was the one who reported it to the competent authority.

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