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They make a key to the pandemic

Juarez City.- The school became a ring and for this day the children and teachers had names and masks of wrestlers that they themselves made, they also received visits from Juarez legends of this sport.

This event is part of the activities that the Club de Leones school carries out so that its students can leave behind the stress that the pandemic left them, assured its director Juan Morúa, who was “Cafeman” on this day.

In this way, the children close the reading of the book “The velvet masked man bites the dust”, which talks about, as happened in the pandemic, you can suffer defeats but you always have to get up and seek to be champions, said the director .

“We teachers set out to combat the terrible stress that the pandemic left us and one of the objectives is to promote this type of activity; this as part of reading a book, in this case he talks about a fighter who loses but gets up. Just as we feel in the city that we are rising up, so does the velvet masked man, but he is a masked man who likes music, poetry and who has enormous values ​​”, he mentioned.

“Estrella Diabólica”, from the side of the rude, is one of the wrestling figures who came to give his testimony to the minors and narrated that he is from a family of wrestlers, which is why he has always followed his dreams in addition to his profession. , since he works in a hospital.

“Baby Star”, from the technical group, told the minors that she is an absolute champion, which is why she motivated them to get up despite the defeats.

A wrestling legend in Juárez, “Crazy Boy”, also came to tell the minors about his career.

A father of a family who for today was “Santo, the can masked man” narrated the history of wrestling in Juárez to the children.

The children also wanted to use the microphone to ask the wrestlers questions and to narrate their love for the sport.

The masks that the minors made demonstrated their creativity since some were made with recycled material such as gallons of milk and their names were based on each design.

To end the event, the wrestlers demonstrated their best keys and the minors took the opportunity to take pictures.

Special guests

• Baby Star • Crazy Boy • Devil Star

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