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They make a prank call to a Cuban who recently arrived in the United States and his reaction goes viral

They make a prank call to a Cuban who recently arrived in the United States and his reaction goes viral

a cuban newcomer to the United States He was the victim of a prank call by his friends that, for sure, he will remember for a lifetime due to the importance of its subject.

The young man received a alleged call from the country’s government in which he was informed that he was going to be deported to the island due to his links with the Cuban government.

The information took the protagonist by surprise, who, apparently, had only been on American soil for a few days waiting to legalize his situation.

The friend, who secretly recorded the entire scene with his mobile phone, couldn’t stop laughing, but it made him think that he was nervous because of the importance of the call.

What the young newcomer did not know is that it was all a joke and until the end of the video, uploaded to the TikTok profile identified as @yelroykingofkingsyou can witness his concern over the news that he would be deported.

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