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They make official the increase in the cost of the most common visas to travel to the United States

These are the tourist or business visas in the United States, B1 and B2, which are among the most requested by Argentine travelers

By iProfessional

30/03/2023 – 08,45hs

The US Department of State published the new visa fees required in the United States to perform tourism and business tripsa category of permits that is most requested by Argentines.

The price increase is due to the fact that the prevention measures of the COVID-19 pandemic created a great bottleneck and delay in the delivery of travel and immigration visas that still persists in many cases.

“The Department of State is committed to facilitating legitimate travel to the United States for both migrants and non-migrant travelers,” the official sources said in a statement. For this reason, the new prices reflect the investments necessary to reduce this delay in the approval of the documents.

How much is the visa for the United States

After a process of deliberation and consultation, the aforementioned North American organization in charge of migrations published on March 28 the ruling that increases the tourist and business visa prices (categories B1/B2s and BCCs) as well as for the card to cross the border that is granted to Mexican non-migrants over 15 years of age (Border Crossing Card or BCC).

They indicated that non-migrant visas, whether for tourism, business, student exchange, etc. will increase their cost from 160 to 185 dollars.

Las visas for temporary workers, For their part, which cover categories H, L, O, P, Q and R, they will cost $190 to $205.

How much will visas to travel to the United States increase in dollars?

And according to the official statement, the investment visas or treaties of applicants in special occupations, which belong to the category E, will range from 205 to 315 dollars

The new costs will be effective as of May 30 of this year

“Nonimmigrant visa fees are based on the actual cost of providing visa services and are determined after conducting a study of the costs of those services. The Department uses Activity-Based Costing (ABC) methodology to annually calculate the value of processing consular services, including visas. The fees for most requests for this type of visa were last updated in 2012, while other costs were updated in 2014,” the official agency said.

“Work and tourist visas are essential to President Biden’s foreign policy and we recognize the critical role that international travel play in the US economy“, closed the official sources.

For example, the law firm Gabriela N. Smith, specializing in migration and investment in the United States, states that 1 in 4 ventures in that country is from a Latino.

He estimates that this group has approximately more than 300,000 companies, generates more than 2 million jobs, and that the annual contribution is 800 billion dollars. In the last 10 years, Latino businesses grew 34 percent;

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