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They ordered the arrest of high command officers for the riots in Brazil

The Supreme Court of Brazil ordered the arrest of Anderson Torres, who on Sunday served as the capital’s top security officer at the time of the attempted civil coup at the hands of Bolsonarista sympathizers. In addition to that, Colonel Fabio Augusto, Police Commander, was removed from his position and arrested due to the same situation.

Anderson Torres is very affiliated with Jair Bolsonaro.

This comes after the government of the neighboring nation denounced that there was a collusion between the Police and the protesters who took over not only Congress, but also the presidential palace and the Supreme Court. According to the authorities of Brazil, members of five police forces were present in the square of the three powers when the riots began. However, several decided not to intervene.

According to what was known, approximately 1,500 people were arrested and taken to the Police Academy, although The officials indicated that 600 of them were moved to other pantries belonging to the security forces of Brazilwhere they have 5 days to file formal charges.

Cappelli was very tough against Torres.

Lula da Silva’s inauguration on January 1 was considered by Brasilia’s security chief, Ricardo Cappelli, as “a successful operation.” The main difference with what happened on Sunday was that “Anderson Torres took his position as security secretary, dismissed the order and went on a trip. If that’s not sabotage, then I don’t know what is,” said the politician. from the South American country.

They criticize the condition of the detainees

One of the main criticisms made of the officers is the conditions in which some of those who were arrested during the events on Sunday are being held.

However, many of these judgments appear to stem from false information that was shared via social media, such as TikTok and Twitter. During Monday the Police had to go out to deny a rumor that a 77-year-old person died due to poor conditions.

Neucimar Fraga asked that the condition of the detainees be investigated.

Despite this, the situation seems to worry some of the deputies and senators of the Brazilian Congress. “We have to check what is true and what is false”said Neucimar Fraga, a congressman from the right-wing Progressive party who called for the formation of a commission to investigate the detainees and their conditions.

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