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They present 7 migrant caravan complaints

The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) announced that, through the accompaniment of the migrant caravan, it received seven complaints and granted 240 legal orientations to people in mobility who seek to reach Mexico City.

Through a statement, the CNDH reported that deputy visitors provided legal guidance to migrants and vulnerable groups to recognize their refugee status and regularize their immigration status, in addition to carrying out 61 administrative and medical procedures.

According to the document, the monitoring of the migrant contingent that left on April 23 from the Bicentennial Park in Tapachula, Chiapas is part of the constitutional obligations of the National Commission.

The CNDH monitored various groups in vulnerable situations, in which families with children and adolescents, people with disabilities, older adults, pregnant women and people belonging to the LGBT+ community were identified. (Drafting)

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