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They present guarantees for Argentina to receive the U-20 World Cup: La Plata, one of the possible venues

With the City of La Plata as one of the possible venues, this afternoon, the Minister of Economy Sergio Massa, the Minister of Tourism and Sports Matías Lammens and the President of the Argentine Football Association (AFA) Claudio “Chiqui” Tapia, made oficial the documentation to officially carry out the organization of the U20 World Cup to be held between May 20 and June 11.

There, the permits and guarantees required by FIFA for this type of event will be signed, to be enabled as the venue for the Under 20 World Cup that was to be organized by Indonesia.

It is worth clarifying that the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) will allow the participation of the AFA U-20 team, as the organizing country, despite not having qualified.

The team that will wear the light blue and white will be led by Javier Mascherano, who will continue as coach, and will take Indonesia’s place in the draw, in the event that will take place on April 21, at the FIFA headquarters located in Zurich. .

Sergio Massa spoke

The Minister of Economy, affirmed today that Argentina is “ready for FIFA to announce that it will host the Under 20 World Cup”: “The organization of an event like this not only represents the opportunity for us to have the most important teams in the world disputing a World Cup with what that means but also because it also represents from the economic point of view and from the point of view of the country brand an enormous opportunity; the opportunity to show Argentina to the world and its natural beauties”, he affirmed.

In turn, among many other statements, he highlighted: “Also – he added – we as a government show our organizational capacity by accompanying the AFA as we have committed to signing the guarantees before FIFA and the opportunity to receive thousands of tourists, generate foreign currency, work and receive technology that the organizers at an international level bring for the development of this event”.

The Diego Armando Maradona stadium as venue

The AFA presented days ago to FIFA the six venues in which to play the Under 20 World Championship.

The designated stadiums are the “Diego Armando Maradona” (ex Ciudad de La Plata), which was projected to play the final; San Juan of the Bicentennial; Only Mother of Cities, of Santiago del Estero; Unique to Villa Mercedes, San Luis; Padre Martearena, from Salta and Centenario, from Resistencia (owned by Sarmiento, from Chaco).

The “Diego Armando Maradona” has a capacity for approximately 53,000 spectators and was inaugurated in 2003, with a match played between Argentina and Uruguay, with a large audience. In that year the National Team was preparing for what would be the first Olympic gold in history.

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