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They propose that on holidays and long weekends private cars pay 50% toll

the deputy Maria Josefina Gamboa Torales of the BREAD proposed to reform the Law of Roads, Bridges and Federal Motor Transportso that in Vacation periods and in long weekendshe tolls that cover compact cars for private use

Deputy María Josefina Gamboa Torales of the PAN

it’s fifty percent of the rates set in the regular period.

This, in accordance with the implementation plan made by the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) in coordination with the Ministry of Tourismin which the tourist points to be promoted during the holiday periods will be established.

The proposal seeks promote domestic tourism and that the SICT When generating the toll rates for the toll booths, determine that during the Vacation periods and in the long weekendsall compact vehicles for private use pay only fifty percent of the fee that erogue in non-holiday periods.

It specifies that the SICT it will apply the mechanisms to execute said policy, either by stipulating a free movement for all that vehicle that enters the classifications that it makes, or generating guides of passage.

In the explanatory memorandum it states that tourism not only generates economic stability for the families that have their source of income in itbut also it is a means to heal the mental health of all those who have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and the months of stress, fear and anxiety.

It refers that, on the first long weekend of 2022, the Ministry of Tourism projected an economic spill of 35 billion pesosa figure that was exceeded with the estimate for the first long weekend of 2023, where an economic spill of 47 thousand 219 million pesos for consumption of tourist services.

“If this continues and is encouraged, very soon we will be able to recover the numbers that our country had before the pandemic ”, points.

For this reason, he maintains, with the reform “Mexican families will thank us, both those who are going to travel and those who benefit from domestic tourism.”

The initiative was turned over to the commissions of Communications and Transportation, for opinion, and Tourismfor opinion.

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