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They propose that the Mexican passport be free for athletes and students

They propose that the Mexican passport be free for athletes and students

The Senate of the Republic discusses a proposal for the Mexican passport it could be free for athletes and students for up to three years, starting in 2023.

The initiative is promoted by the Morena legislator, María Soledad Luévano Cantú, with her, an article will be added to the Federal Law of Rights so that both athletes who represent Mexico in international competitions, as well as students are exempt from paying the passport for a period of three years.

Among the people who could also process the passport totally free are artists, students, athletes, boxers, beauty pageant participants, athletes or any person who represents Mexico through their activities.

Senate analyzes initiative on free Mexican passport

The free passport initiative is being analyzed in the Senate

If the bill proposed in the upper house of the country is approved, the foreign relations agencies of Mexico will be obliged to grant the document of official validity abroad to the people that we mentioned for up to a period of three years.

As we have mentioned in other informative notes of The Truth News, the passport is the official travel document needed by a person who wishes to travel outside the country. This document requests foreign authorities to allow free passage, provide help and protection.

The initiative also states that people who are candidates to carry out the free passport process must demonstrate to the corresponding authorities their participation as representatives of Mexico abroad.

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The measure that the passport payment can be waived responds to recognizing the best talents abroad of children, adolescents, youth and adults who represent Mexico and who exalt the country with their skills and efforts.

For the rest of the people, in this 2023, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs detailed the new fees to process the passport, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Rights Law 2022.

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