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They prosecute migrants for rioting at the border to cross

Supreme Court extends blockade of Texas law, police will not be able to detain undocumented migrants

More than 200 migrants who crossed the border from Mexico to the United States in March after pushing past a military fence, were prosecuted for “mutiny” and risk deportation, Texas Governor Greg Abbott reported on Monday night.

Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott reported Monday that Immigration and Customs Enforcement “will initiate deportation proceedings against all of them.”

The immigration authorities indicated that, on the morning of Thursday, March 21, “a large group of migrants” violated a barbed wire fence on the border, overflowed military control and entered that state in the south of the United States territory.

After the incident, the migrants were taken to a processing center and the military regained control of the place.

The news of the processing of the migrants was initially reported by the Border Report portal, which cites state court records.

According to the publication, later replicated by other local media, several of the defendants remain in an El Paso County jail.

Source: With information from AFP

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