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They reaffirm their position against tolls on the waterway: “Paraguay is demanding a fair right”

They reaffirm their position against tolls on the waterway: "Paraguay is demanding a fair right"

The death of a 15-year-old adolescent infected with HIV revealed a reality that is widespread but little addressed: early sexual initiation, added to little instruction on the prevention of diseases transmitted by this route.

Precocity, promiscuity and little prevention are ingredients of a subject that is about to become an epidemic: HIV infections and other sexually transmitted diseases.

From Pronasida, Dr. Tania Samudio, pointed out that the problem begins with the growing trend of early sexual initiation. She indicated that in the margins of the childhood and early phase of adolescence, the rate in this regard is high.

“Sexual relations begin very early: approximately 12 to 14 years of age”said Dr. Tania Samudio from Pronasida.

He remarked that in several cases that are being taken on a day-to-day basis, it is verified that the infected young people did not have the proper information to prevent and be victims of ailments, many of them serious.

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“The best method of prevention is the condom. Also the routine control and not because I have a problem ”, stressed Dr. Samudio. He emphasized that the informative factor about the consequences of having sexual relations without anticipating the danger of diseases, are very pernicious.


Both in the numbers of people infected with HIV, as well as in other sexually transmitted diseases, the trend is increasing.

The youthful strip in terms of HIV is predominant in terms of quantity. Similarly, conditions such as syphilis, gonorrhea and other types of infections of a sexual nature experience high numbers.

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