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They repaired the sinkhole in the South Park

a huge sinkhole generated by heavy rains, was filled in the area of ​​the aerobic circuit located on the west slope of Mar Argentino avenue, next to the Parque Sur lake, in front of the El Quillá Yacht Club hockey field.

It was a danger to walkers who use this public space on a daily basis. In addition, if not repaired, it could end up deepen and generate inconveniences in the reinforced concrete folder of the ring road, which is an international route for heavy cargo transport.

Also read: They repair the tunnel in Parque del Sur

The arrangement “is temporary”, warned the secretary of municipal Infrastructure and Water Management, Silvina Serra. The tasks should have been coordinated by the Municipality with the National Directorate of Roads, because the slope of the avenue is its jurisdiction of said dependency.

What was done was to fill in the subsidence sector with earth, to generate protection at the drainage outlet and thus prevent that undermined area from being eroded again.

“We have solved the problem with support from the National Highway in what was the marking and access to the area to carry out the repairs,” explained Serra. “From the Municipality we have proceeded to fill in the finished areas and complete what is the drainage that was in poor shape.”

Also read: This week the repair of the tunnels in Parque del Sur begins

Although it is a “preventive measure”said the official, the idea is “that it lasts for a period of time and that allows us to advance together with the National Highway in the definitive solution of the problem.”

“It was possible to repair the storm drain and it was done at two points, since although one of the points was visible, which is the one we marked out, we found that there was another point with another drain that had a similar problem, therefore we were able to repair both,” Serra explained. “This solution will have a significant duration and will allow us to advance with time and peace of mind in a definitive project in conjunction with Vialidad,” he concluded.

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