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They reveal that the baby beaten in La Plata had no pediatric assistance since he was born

The arrest of a couple accused of savagely beating their little son, barely 2 months old, shakes and outrages the city. Those involved, a 25-year-old woman who is undergoing another pregnancy and a 30-year-old man, were arrested after the victim arrived at the hospital in a serious state of health and the doctors discovered signs of unusual violence.

As the investigation progresses, new details come to light and now it was learned that the child would not have had pediatric assistance from the moment of his birth.

The creature’s medical report reveals brutal mistreatment and it not only indicates the delicate state of health in which the child was found, with severe traumatisms and marks of blows to the head against hard and blunt objects, blows with hands and fists and shaking of the thorax (shake baby) that produced, among other injuries, retinal hemorrhage, head trauma, a posterior interhemispheric subdural hematoma, subarachnoid hemorrhages, and multiple bone fractures (biparietal, left humerus, rib arches 4, 5,6, and ipsilateral hemithorax)..

Both were arrested this Tuesday night in a house located on 7th and 85th streets in La Plata, accused of “attempted homicide aggravated by the relationship”. According to the investigation, both had assaulted the child, who was assisted by multiple blows.

It should be remembered that the baby was initially admitted to the San Roque de Gonnet hospital and was later referred in serious condition to the La Plata Children’s Hospital. On the other hand, the authorities clarified that the cause of attempted homicide is located in the Investigation Prosecutor Unit 6by prosecutor Marcelo Romero.

“I understand that the actions of the parents have been carried out with eventual intent, by virtue of the fact that they have carried out acts of abuse and violence on repeated occasions and during the life of the victim, not in a unique or isolated way, but which denotes a pattern of their conduct, developed in different situations with their son”, was what the Prosecutor recently said, for which convincing advances are expected.

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