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They reveal the symptoms that sent Yolanda Andrade to the hospital

A few hours ago Yolanda Andrade She set off the alarms of the entire internet, as she appeared lying on a one-room stretcher at the ABC Hospital in Mexico City, from where she claimed to be alive by a miracle.

In the clip shared by the famous host, he can be seen wearing a robe, with dark glasses and with some patches in the shoulder areaHe also thanked all the attention he has received from the hospital nurses.

After announcing this incident on social networks, many of his followers and colleagues, such as Erik Rubín, Montserrat Olivier, Maca Corriendo, Luz Elena González and Jessica Maldonado, to name a few.

In this sense, they expressed their love and support, with positive and worrying messages, since everyone wants to know if he is really well and what happened to him, since his message generated great concern.

Yolanda Andrade is hospitalized

They reveal the symptoms that sent Yolanda Andrade to the hospital

So far, the Mexican has not given more details about what happened to her, but she did explain that the moment was a miracle, and that she has reflected on how lucky she feels to be alive.

“In this moment of reflection, I accept and value each moment. Miracles exist. I saw the light and I went back. There is still more to live. Thank you all, ”said Andrade in the company of his sister.

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Yolanda suffered a health crisis

Unofficially, it is known that the Unicable presenter had presented several pictures of worrisome level vomiting and diarrheaShe also presented other symptoms, but she couldn’t take it anymore and she had to be taken to a hospital, where they managed to control her discomfort and send her back home, as good as new. It should be noted that she underwent several medical tests, but they all had ” good results”. Reported The Truth News.

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