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They search security cameras for the perpetrators of the millionaire robbery of the Bar Association

The survey of public and private security cameras It is one of the first measures taken with the aim of clarifying and arresting the perpetrators of the millionaire robbery carried out at the headquarters of the Buenos Aires Province Bar Association (Colproba) located in La Plata. As this medium reported, the entity suffered a planned coup over the weekend during a power cut that left the alarms cancelled.

The fact was discovered this Monday, January 9, when the first of the employees of the professional association located on Calle 14, between 46 and 47, in the Buenos Aires capital, arrived a few meters from the Palace of Justice in the heart of La Plata, and noticed that computers and televisions were missing.

Although they forced the entrance door, the criminals acted knowing the building and the facilities, and began the robbery on Friday and finished it a day later, when they stole a million-dollar sum in pesos, in addition to 20 computers and televisions.

Judicial sources explained that there was electrical service in the building until Friday at 2:00 p.m., for which they suspect that the thieves would have deactivated the fuses that charge the alarm system on Friday and carried out the robbery during the weekendalready without the security system activated.

Experts from the Scientific Police searched in the last hours for signs of criminals in security cameras, both private and municipal.

Investigators believe that it is a group of “non-improvised” criminals and that due to the quantity and size of the stolen objects, they acted in a group and with a van or transport vehicle.

The complaint was filed in the First Police Station of La Plata and the Functional Unit of Instruction 9 of Ignored Authors of the judicial department of the provincial capital in charge of the prosecutor intervened. Juan Pablo Iaccarino Taiana. It is a prosecutor’s office that is on duty all year round and where investigations are located in which those responsible for vandalism or criminal acts cannot be identified.

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