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They seek to regulate businesses that offer massages in Queens

They seek to regulate businesses that offer massages in Queens

“Prostitution is possibly one of the oldest professions of humanity,” says Rolando Bini, President of the Parents in Action Organization.

Rolandi Bini has been working in the Jackson Heights and Queens community for 24 years with the Padres en Acción organization.

Some of its members already raised their voices against sex workers on Roosevelt Avenue months ago.

Bini supports laws for the regulation of licensing and hygiene of massage therapy businesses in the area and throughout the city proposed by Councilman Francisco Moya.

“That there is no crime, that the quality of life has deteriorated and I am happy about these two bills from Councilor Moya, because they are going to improve the quality of life,” he says.

With two proposed laws, the first would require licenses to open massage businesses and that all employees be licensed.

The second law, hygiene inspection by the health department.

Failure to comply with the laws will result in fines of between $1,500 and $5,000.

If these laws are approved, businesses would have 120 days to obtain their licenses.

Francisco Moya says: “Clean up these streets, bring order here and say that we are not going to tolerate this type of crime that we are seeing on our streets here in the city.”

Queens Councilman Moya says he has received complaints from the community about businesses near schools and offering services on the street.

“If we want to legalize prostitution here in New York City then let’s start having this conversation,” she adds.

He claims that prostitution promotes human trafficking.

“This sector of Corona has been the epicenter of that here for many years now. The people here say this is fine. “I don’t have that same opinion,” she maintains.

Earlier this year, Mayor Eric Adams and the police department shut down several illegal sexual establishments.

“Regaining balance…”: Bini only asks that the laws be a little more flexible with the time it takes to obtain licenses.

“I think it would be good to give them more time to comply with the law,” explains Rolando Bini, President of the organization Padres en Accion.

The councilor will have meetings and a survey at the city council in the coming months.


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