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They seize more than 600 kilos of drugs on the shores of Lake Itaipu

They seize more than 600 kilos of drugs on the shores of Lake Itaipu

85% of citizens trust the good management that the government of Santiago Peña will have, who assumes the leadership of the country tomorrow, Tuesday.

The consultant Ati Snead carried out an opinion survey among the population of Asunción and Central to know what is the expectation that exists around the figure of President Santiago Peña.

In this sense, he indicated that the total level of confidence exceeds 80%, this being an important sample. Breaking down the level you have, 72.8% have confidence in the new government and 12.9% have great confidence.

There is also a high credibility towards Peña, since the 71.9% have credibility and 13.2% have a lot of credibility towards their figure. “It is essential that there is that credibility at the beginning of a government, regardless of whether or not you like the new authority. There is a lot of hope for the management of this new administration,” Snead said in a chat with the GEN channel.

During the opinion poll, people were asked if the economic situation is going to be better or worse with the government of Santiago Peña than it is now. 49.5% said that it will be the same, 26.6% that it will be better and 11.3% that it will be worse.

What do the citizens expect from the Government of Santiago Peña? Most of those consulted responded that it will be essential generate jobs, fulfill what was promised, improve security, fight corruption, among others.

Regarding the main problems facing the country, the majority considered that they are the unemployment, insecurity, education, inflation and health.

What are the areas in which Santiago Peña should target his Government in the first place during the first 100 days of management? Insecurity, corruption, unemployment, high prices of the family basket and educationamong others, were the responses of those consulted.

The sample was taken from the population in Asunción and Central, from August 1 to 6, 2023, in people aged 18 and over, residents of Asunción and Central (36.4% of the National Register). Total 800 cases were addressed.

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